找到 4 版本的 4 商品
Extremely adhesive, versatile adhesive tape for air- and wind-proof bonding of roof underlay membranes, vapour barriers and vapour retarders and for airtight joint adhesion of OSB panels.
Adhesive sealing tape with extremely high adhesive force for demanding air- and wind-tight bonding both indoors and outdoors. Strong adhesive film adheres permanently to many substrates, in particular Wütop thermal membranes.
Special adhesive tape for the permanent wind- and condensation-proof bonding of underlay membranes and roof protection films. With a UV resistance of eight weeks, it is especially suitable for outdoor use.
Particularly adhesive, UV- and weather-resistant adhesive tape for airtight and wind-tight bonding of underlay membranes and roof protection films, vapour barriers, vapour retarders and façade membranes.
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