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Turnbuckle, open form with welded ends DIN 1480, steel, zinc-plated, blue passivated (A2K)
Turnbuckle, open form with welded ends DIN 1480, steel, zinc-plated, blue passivated (A2K) - 1
Turnbuckle, open form with welded ends DIN 1480, steel, zinc-plated, blue passivated (A2K) - 2

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Turnbuckle, open form with welded ends DIN 1480, steel, zinc-plated, blue passivated (A2K)

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Turnbuckle sleeves in accordance with DIN 1480 must be assembled with weld-on ends in accordance with DIN 34828 from the same material (S235JR). In this case, the load capacity of the turnbuckle sleeves is always greater than that of the weld-on ends. When assembled with connecting parts made from other materials—especially materials with a higher tensile strength—the load capacity of the turnbuckle sleeves must be checked separately.