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Machine tap HSCo Longlife blue ring TiN blind hole DIN 371/376
Machine tap HSCo Longlife blue ring TiN blind hole DIN 371/376 - 1
Machine tap HSCo Longlife blue ring TiN blind hole DIN 371/376 - 2

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Machine tap HSCo Longlife blue ring TiN blind hole DIN 371/376

The Longlife blue ring machine tap with titanium nitride coating for machining long-chipping, unalloyed steels up to a strength of 1,000 N/mm².

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Up to two times longer service life and up to 50 % higher cutting speed compared to similar uncoated tools

Optimised TiN coating

Excellent layer adhesion

Extra homogeneous cutting edge rounding

Product packaging made of 100 % PCR (recycled plastic from household waste), 100 % recyclable

  • Sufficient coolant and lubricant must be added when cutting threads.

  • For the machine tap/material assignments, see the overview tables