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High-pressure sprayer
High-pressure sprayer - 1
High-pressure sprayer - 2
High-pressure sprayer - 3

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High-pressure sprayer

Versatile pressure sprayer for vehicle and industrial cleaning with maximum resistance to acids.

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Available in 1 version

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Exclusively for trade customers

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Exclusively for trade customers

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Uniform spraying pattern, even without continuous repumping

Large pressure pad

Easy to fill

Large filling funnel

Low-fatigue concept for mobile use

Carry strap

Large casings

  • Protection of the hose connection

  • Secure spraying pipe holder

  • Secure footing

Targeted application of the agent

Special fan nozzle

FPM seals resistant to chemicals

Specially coated piston rod and stainless steel spring

Resistant to phosphoric acid up to 30 %, resistant to sulphuric acid up to 30 %


These products must be approved by the manufacturer for application in sprayers.

This information is only a recommendation based on our experience. Preliminary testing required! For further information, see the technical information leaflet.